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Paws, Claws & Tails Agility Classes For Reactive Dogs


Published On Jun 07,2023

When it comes to agility training for reactive dogs, finding the right environment is crucial. At Paws, Claws & Tails, we specialize in providing a safe and nurturing space for reactive dogs to thrive. Our agility classes are designed to cater to the unique needs of reactive dogs, offering a supportive and tailored training experience. Here’s how our classes can help your reactive dog:

Small Class Sizes for Gradual Exposure

At Paws, Claws & Tails, we understand that reactive dogs require individual attention and gradual exposure to new environments. That’s why our class sizes are intentionally kept small, with a maximum of two dogs per session. By offering a controlled and supportive environment, we ensure that each reactive dog receives the personalized attention they need to build confidence and overcome their fears. Our small class sizes allow for gradual exposure to the agility course and other dogs, minimizing stress and triggers for your reactive dog.

Variety of Dogs in Each Class

Because our reactive dog classes are based on a “book or pay as you go” basis, there’s a high chance that you’ll regularly book a class with a different dog. This approach helps your reactive companion become comfortable with different personalities, sizes, and temperaments. By exposing them to a range of dogs, we promote socialization skills and reduce reactivity towards specific individuals. Our goal is to foster adaptability and flexibility, enabling your reactive dog to navigate different social situations with confidence.

Keeping Below Threshold

We prioritize the emotional well-being of reactive dogs throughout our agility training sessions. Understanding the importance of keeping them below their reactivity threshold, we employ positive reinforcement techniques and careful management strategies. Our experienced trainers are skilled in recognizing the early signs of stress or anxiety and are equipped to modify the training environment or provide necessary breaks to ensure dogs remain below their threshold. By maintaining a stress-free environment, we help reactive dogs progress at their own pace, leading to more successful outcomes in their agility journey.

Specialized Reactive Dog Handling

At Paws, Claws & Tails, we have a team of trainers with expertise in handling reactive dogs. We understand the specific needs and sensitivities of reactive dogs, and we utilize positive reinforcement training methods tailored to their individual personalities. With our knowledge and experience, we can guide your reactive dog through the agility course, helping them overcome their fears and build confidence. Our trainers are compassionate guides, offering support and guidance to you and your reactive dog every step of the way.

The Takeaway

At Paws, Claws & Tails, we provide a haven for reactive dogs in our agility classes. With our small class sizes, varied dog interactions, careful threshold management, and specialized handling techniques, we create a safe and nurturing space for reactive dogs to thrive. If you have a reactive dog, we invite you to join us in our agility classes and embark on a rewarding journey towards a happier and more balanced life for your furry companion. Together, we can help your reactive dog overcome their fears, build confidence, and enjoy the transformative benefits of agility training.

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