A question from one of my puppy clients regarding helping your puppy sleep longer into the morning (not getting up… Continue reading Client Question: Tips For Getting Puppy to Sleep In During The Morning
Author: Charlotte Bryan
Charlotte Bryan is an Qualified Dog Trainer & Behaviourist, Certified Dog Trick Instructor (CDTI), Certified Canine Conditioning Fitness Coach (CCCFC), writer, podcast host, public speaker, YouTuber, dog safety advocate and dog lover.
Quick Dog Training FAQ
Dog Growls when awoken! Q: I’ve noticed that my dog occasionally growls when my partner or I try to pick… Continue reading Quick Dog Training FAQ
[Q&A] Dog Pooping in back Of Car. How To Fix This!
Question: Hi Charlotte, advice on how to stop my dog feeling anxious and pooping in the back of the car.… Continue reading [Q&A] Dog Pooping in back Of Car. How To Fix This!
Discover the Exciting World of Dog Agility: A Complete Guide
If you’re reading this, chances are you’re interested in learning more about the exciting and fun-filled sport of dog agility.… Continue reading Discover the Exciting World of Dog Agility: A Complete Guide
Charlotte Bryan talks to Avid Property group about Dog Behaviour at the Park and Beach, Patting strange dogs and more
Transcript: Susana Waldron:Welcome, everyone. Welcome to AVIDEngage. We are here doing another one of our videos to connect with our… Continue reading Charlotte Bryan talks to Avid Property group about Dog Behaviour at the Park and Beach, Patting strange dogs and more
How to keep your male dog calm when a nearby female dog is in heat
If you have at least two dogs living under one roof, then you know that sometimes keeping your pair of… Continue reading How to keep your male dog calm when a nearby female dog is in heat
How to register your dog in queensland
7 Technqiues for calming down your hyper dog
Unfortunately, lots of dogs are surrendered to dog shelters because their owners can’t deal with their dog’s high energy or… Continue reading 7 Technqiues for calming down your hyper dog